Diventa Partner

Plants for flaking cereals

Optimise your company’s production of cereals and pulses

The food sector is one of the cornerstones of Italian industry. Guaranteeing the quality of finished products requires full respect for the sector’s strict standards, from processing raw materials to packaging the finished product. With years of experience gained in the milling and agri-food industry, we are a leading name in the design and construction of state-of-the-art systems for thermo-flaking cereals and pulses.

Thermo-flaking involves the transformation of cereals and pulses into flakes. Steaming is carried out in special stainless steel compartments to guarantee a higher quality, more hygienic product. The product then passes through a rolling mill with adjustable rollers, which makes it possible to create flakes of different sizes depending on the customer’s requirements. After this the product undergoes another heat treatment at 120° to make it easy to digest and hygienic.

Flaking cereals and pulses, such as corn, barley, wheat, soy and oats, as often used in animal feed, significantly improves nutritional standards, preserving the foods’ natural vitamin content.

There are many advantages and benefits of the thermo-flaking process. This method makes it possible to sterilise the cereals and pulses, eliminating the bacteria and dust that builds up during storage. Thanks to the higher volume of flakes compared to grains, animals have an increased sense of satiation. The gelatinisation of starch that takes place during the flaking process improves the digestibility and appeal of the food, with a resulting increase in milk production and leading to high-quality meat and milk.

The specific solutions and components offered by D’Agostino Industry for the food sector are carefully designed to respect the applicable regulations and process the raw material with the utmost care.